
Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Last Minute Halloween Accessorizing

I was really struggling with what to wear for Halloween.  I'd heard that some folks in my office were really into dressing up, plus I was handing out candy in my apartment building and heading to a costume party, so I needed something.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Back to Beading

Sooooo... recently this blog (and my extracurricular activities generally) have been all about sewing. I've been quite smitten (nay, obsessed) with sewing.

Not that that's bad. It's just that my other hobbies are jealous...

After Colleen asked me what accessories I was planning on wearing with my leopard peplum blouse, it got me thinking that I'd been neglecting my beads and jewelry-making. I mean, the last time I made a piece of jewelry was over a year ago, for the Jenneth wedding spectacular (to be fair, I made six earring/necklace combinations for that affair, no small feat!)!!

I decided straight away that I should remedy the situation by incorporating more jewelry-making into my crafting schedule. And maybe some more cooking, too, while I'm at it.

What happened next, you might ask? In search of inspiration, I fell down a Pinterest rabbit hole, foraged through my beads for several hours, got overwhelmed and ultimately decided to start with something simple.  I decided to answer Colleen's question by making something to go with my leopard peplum!

A necklace made from round hematite beads alternating with short lengths of chain for about 30 inches, with pairs of little triangle-shaped glass danglies in between for movement.

Turns out this baby might be a bit too matchy-matchy... it basically blends in with the top when I'm wearing them together. But it's pretty and sparkly anyway and I imagine I'll be able to wear it with other stuff, too!  Plus it got me thinking about beading/jewelry-making again, so mission accomplished!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fabric Shopping in Hong Kong

Wanna read a little bit about fabric shopping in Hong Kong? 

Read more here about my recent Hong Kong trip, which included a brief foray into the fabric district.

Spoils of my trip below:

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mimi Blouse in Lawn

After my raging success with the Megan dress pattern from Tilly's Love at First Stitch book, I've been yearning to make another pattern from the book. I wear that dress at least once a week... I adore it!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Perfect Pattern Parcel #6: Hudson Pant and Julia Cardigan

Doooods: This Pattern Parcel is so killer. I mean, all the Parcels are pretty awesome, but I found this one to be particularly great.  I mean, I already owned 2 of the patterns and was considering buying at least 2 of the others... so that says something. At least something about how style-y I think this Perfect Pattern Parcel is!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bruyere: A Wearable Muslin

Finally, my Deer and Doe Bruyere!

I've had my eye on the pattern since it was released, but only got it in my hot little hands earlier this week, just in time to squeak in under the wire for the sewalong.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Leopard Simplicity 1666: Cat Lady Sewing Challenge #2

And now for something completely different... my second entry into the Cat Lady Sewing Challenge!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sorbetto and Prefontaine PJs: Cat Lady Sewing Challenge #1

When Erin at Miss Crayola Creepy announced The Cat Law Sewing Challenge, I was all at once feeling delighted, excited, and inspired about sewing with cat themed fabric, not to mention mildly embarrassed by those aforementioned feelings. I dove in headfirst, making two (well, three, really) garments for the challenge.  My two garments fall on either end of the cat-fabric spectrum.  Here's my first!