
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mousey Cat Toy

Sorry for the delay in posting, loyal readers.  We moved into our new, more permanent apartment here in Jakarta on December 1st, and we're still ironing out the internet details.  Right now we're working with one of those 3G flashdrives that use cell service to get internet... and it's painfully slow (for example, it took over an hour to upload the two photos for this post).  We hope to have better internet in the near future, but if arranging that goes as poorly as some of our other administrative tasks here in Jakarta, it may be a while.  More on those administrative snafus coming soon at the other blog.

Anywho, we're in the new place, but we still don't have our sea shipment with furniture, cooking gear, etc., so the new joint is a little sparsely furnished.  Also, Lincoln's toys haven't arrived, either.  He was a little apprehensive when we first arrived, so I crocheted him this little mouse out of yarn scraps, in order to convince him that the new apartment was a good place to live.  

Loosely based on some mouse patterns I saw online before we moved (loosely only because we didn't have internet yet at the new place and I could only vaguely remember the patterns), this little guy only took 20 minutes or so to crochet.  I stuffed him with some cellophane wrapping so he has a crunchy noise and gave him a curly tail. 

Lincoln quickly took a liking to him, but he also seems to have quickly turned his attentions to a twist tie he found in the apartment, so his taste level is suspect.