
Friday, May 24, 2013

Please, Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em!

Call them what you will: Hammer pants, genie pants, harem pants, parachute pants... but I think we can agree that these pants are controversial, at best, when worn by fully grown adults.  
But on a toddler?  Dooooood:

Photo from Suburbia Soup
So cute.

So when I saw this brand new, free pattern from Suburbia Soup to make toddler sized Hammer pants, I downloaded, printed and sewed it up pretty much right away.  

Maybe it's misplaced 90's nostalgia (remember those genie pants I made you sew me when I was in middle school, Martha?), maybe it's a version of Stockholm syndrome after living in Southeast Asia on the Banana Pancake Trail for over a year and a half, constantly seeing harem pants clad backpackers romping around (a good drinking game while on the SE Asia tourist trail: chug every time you see harem pants, white person dreadlocks, or a Bintang/Beer Chang/Beer Lao/333 singlet), maybe it's just because they're freaking cute, but I love them.

Made from some machine-printed batik I had in my stash, but I can see this pattern working quite well with many of the batiks I've got.  Can't wait to see Zoe in them!