
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Seersucker Ash Jumpsuit

The second I saw the line drawings for Willow and Co's Ash jumpsuit, way back months before the pattern was released, I knew I was going to get it.  So cute- I love the little halter top!  It's designed by Celina at Petit a Petit and Family.

Now that the patterns are out, I got my hands on it and I sewed one up for Zoe in some pink seersucker from Martha's stash.  I made the shorts version, although I think the pants version is pretty awesome, too.  I can also envision making the little halter top on its own in the future.

The pattern is a lot of pieces to keep track of, but everything's explained very well.  The only thing I might change for the next time I sew it up is to sew the elastic and waistband differently so the ends of the elastic are not forming lumps on the side seams, which could potentially be itchy.  I would sew the waistband pieces together in a circle, sew the side seams of the jumpsuit, then attach the waistband on top and insert the elastic.  Other than that, pretty straightforward and surprisingly quick despite all the pieces!

I can't wait to see it on her!