
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Concord Tee and Gypsum Skirt

Cashmerette Concord... definitely a TNT for me. Sew Liberated Gypsum? Perhaps a soon-to-be TNT? Either way, they're quite a pair!

I needed a basic white t-shirt. Boring? Yes. Necessary? Also yes.

It's hard to say I neeeeded a green skirt with oversized pockets, but I wanted it really badly. Read more about my skirt on the Imagine Gnats blog...

For the t-shirt, I obviously opted for the Cashmerette Concord T-shirt pattern. I've made the Concord several times before, and this one doesn't vary much from the other versions I've made. Size 16 C/D, full bicep adjustment, high neckline option. 

I can't remember what this fabric is... it was a remnant from Joann and I want to say it's an interlock? Cotton content, not a lot of stretch. It's a little bit more snug than some of my other Concords, but that's ok, as I'll largely wear it as a layer underneath cardigans, blazers, etc.

Here, though, I'm wearing my Concord as a sleek layer tucked into a Sew Liberated Gypsum Skirt made from tencel twill from the Imagine Gnats shop. Y'all, this skirt, in this fabric, is basically the best. Read more about the details on the Imagine Gnats blog...!

Both of these patterns are just fabulous and obviously pair well together... they'll both serve a valuable role in my handmade wardrobe!