
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sew Twists and Ties 2020!

I've been hinting at it for a little while now, but I'm so happy to announce that I'll be hosting the Sew Twists and Ties again this winter!

Last year, on a whim, I decided to host this fun, low-pressure sewing challenge, focused on sewing a pattern that incorporates a twist, knot or tie of some sort as the primary design feature. Last year's Sew Twists and Ties was so much fun that I couldn't perceive of not hosting again.

Like last year, there will be inspiration galore, giveaways and guaranteed fun, but hopefully not too many rules, and definitely no pressure. Join if you like and can, but also feel free to sit back and soak in the inspiration from this amazing sewing community.

The Sew Twists and Ties "challenge" will run for the month of January, 2020.

I'm letting you know early to give lots of time to plan and/or daydream about what your project might be, should you choose to join in. I also wanted to announce this week so that you had time to take advantage of holiday pattern sales if there's a pattern you've been eyeing that fits the challenge and is on sale- here's your excuse to treat yo self!

When I say the challenge runs for the month of January, I mean that's when I'll post the majority of my #SewTwistsandTies content and that's when I'll run my giveaways, but obviously, if you're already working on a Sew Twists and Ties eligible garment, tag it! If you have holiday outfit plans that involve a twist, tie or knot, tag them! It's a pretty casual challenge...

There will be no grand prize and no competition, to keep it fun and community-focused. I'll be doing  pattern round-ups, tutorial and pattern hack rounds-ups, sewing community and RTW inspiration posts, and a few of my own projects on my Instagram feed and here on the blog, during January.

That said, there will be some treats, I've already got some awesome giveaways lined up and hope to have more soon, too: Cashmerette, Megan Nielsen and Itch to Stitch have already generously donated patterns for giveaways and I picked up some Big 4 goodies myself to give away!

So how do you join in? Check out last year's blog posts for a sense of what to expect. Also, on Instagram, use and follow the hashtag #SewTwistsandTies. Scroll through the posts already there from last year and marvel at the loveliness! Several sewists have kept the fun going throughout the year, so the hashtag hasn't gone dormant. Shout out to TashaCass, and Amber especially, for keeping the #SewTwistsandTies flame alight!

Please give a yell here or on Instagram if you have questions, ideas, thoughts on #SewTwistsandTies. Can't wait to see what you make!