
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwiches with Kohlrabi and Carrot Slaw

Chuckie was off work today, so I assigned her dinner duties... we had a slew of boneless chicken thighs from a Costco run, and I wanted to make use of them. I saw this recipe for slow-cooked "BBQ" pulled chicken using the crock pot and thought we could give it a try.
I considered using the spice rub from Martha's pulled pork on the chicken instead, but ultimately opted to use the online recipe. Chuckie did a great job, but I think that this recipe was a little too tomato-y for our taste... not spicy/peppery/smokey enough. Next time we try the Martha method.
We got kohlrabi this week from the CSA... I had no idea what to make with kohlrabi, which is a kooky-looking turnip relative, so I searched my regular sources and found the perfect compliment to the chicken: kohlrabi and carrot coleslaw. Super crunchy and tangy- a good alternative to cabbage!