
Sunday, March 10, 2013

English Muffin Bread

I stumbled on this English muffin bread recipe the other day and decided that I neeeeeeeeded to make it ASAP.  I haven't had English muffins in about a year and a half, whereas when I was in the States, they were a breakfast staple...

The recipe was super simple: no knead, basic ingredients... however, I think it was perhaps a little too good to be true.  It toasts well and has an English muffin-y flavor, but is not quite right texturally.  My bread came out too dense for my taste, and didn't replicate the nooks and crannies of a good English muffin, which is really what I was hoping for.

This recipe, however disappointing, did spark my interest in making legit English muffins, though.  The kind that are cooked on a griddle with cornmeal.  Alton Brown's recipe has rave reviews.... perhaps my next project?  Gotta get me some milk powder first.  Because nothing beats an egg sandwich on an English muffin, although an egg sandwich on a biscuit is a close second.