
Friday, July 17, 2015

International Anna Party: Stained Glass Anna

A few years ago I made a "wearable" muslin of By Hand London's Anna dress. I used quotation marks because I only wore it a couple of times before giving it away because my construction and fabric choice were so poor. 

Those were the times before I understood the importance of a) pattern matching, b) understitching, c) sewing functional zippers and d) patience, and whatnot.

But damn if the fit on that bodice wasn't sublime! Why have I not pulled out that already-traced pattern and given it another go until now? No idea. 

But the International Anna Party, organized by Elle of @Lauralovespugs, Ute of @ute_ig and Pips of @magdalenesmuse, gave me an excuse to do just that: make a truly wearable Anna and then rock it for a virtual party. Thanks, ladies!

This time, I opted for Anna's higher neckline. I paired the Anna bodice with a simple gathered skirt, twice the width of my fabric. 

I also moved the zipper from center back to the left side seam, under the arm. I find the side zip easier to get in and out of, I feel like my arm hides any invisible zipper insertion flaws, and I like how the back bodice looks with nothing bisecting it. Win-win-win.

My fabric is a cotton lawn that I got on Bangkok's Sampeng Lane. I forget which store, but they had several colorways, including the purplish jobby I've used here and a summery blues and greens version that my mom took home. I think she's boldly planning a jumpsuit for her fabric using Simplicity 1355. (Mom, now that I told the internet you are making a jumpsuit, it's official, you're committed and must report back. #Sewingdare). I think the fabric looks a bit art deco-y or like stained glass. It's lightweight, breezy and the perfect weight for Anna:

I didn't bother with too much pattern matching on this Anna. By moving the zip to the side, I didn't have to pay attention to the center back seam and the gathered skirt eliminates the need to match across the waist seam. Yay!

I forgot how speedy Anna is to make- with no sleeves to set in, she goes together so quickly! I see no reason why I shouldn't make an Anna every week starting now. 

Sigh, I am in love and already planning my next Anna... I'm sure I will be even more inspired after seeing all of the Anna dresses sure to pop up for the International Anna Party. Thanks again to the lovely organizers!!