
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Caftan Crew: Envelope Dress x 2

I saw my family for the first time in many months over the 4th of July holiday... I knew that there would have to be some sort of caftan and cocktail celebration, so I set about making it happen!

I really liked the rayon challis Cris Wood Sews Envelope dress I made a few weeks ago, and I just knew my mom and sister would enjoy their own versions of this comfy zero-waste caftan.

For my mom, I had the perfect piece of fabric: some batik rayon challis, a remnant from this blouse I made her several years back!

I had just about 1.5 yards of this 44" wide fabric, which was perfect for my mom. 

I made her the sort of "standard" size described in the pattern, which worked out great! Her hips put her slightly outside this size range, but there's enough eases that it fits, no problem.

She's quite short, so a wider fabric (the width determines the length of the dress) wouldn't have worked for her.

Doesn't she look chic?! She said it was quite comfy and she planned to wear it around the house, and maybe as a beach cover up.

For my sister's, I went with this beautiful 54" wide floral challis, which resulted in a nice maxi dress for her.

Because I had more of this fabric than I had for my mom, I made hers a few inches larger than the "standard size." It's loose and drapey without being overly large.

Because it was a maxi, I sewed walking slits on the two side seams, up to about knee height.

I think it gave her plenty of room to move and give me some classy poses!: 

And yet it's really elegant! So floaty and summery...

Perfect for sipping cocktails (or a fancy beer, here we're drinking the Springdale Lavenade lavander lemon sour ale!) in the backyard!