
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

True Bias Sutton in Mustard

Woot!  I whipped out another True Bias Sutton blouse

I got this pretty, silky (but not silk, I am 99% sure) fabric in Bangkok's Chinatown this past weekend. I say it's likely not silk because it was 2 meters for 100 baht, which is about $3. But smooth, slight, flowy and silk-esque. I threw it in the wash and it didn't disintegrate, so I moved on with my Sutton blouse plans!:

Mustard isn't normally one of my colors, but somehow I keep gravitating towards it when fabric shopping. I figured $3 wouldn't break the bank if I ultimately decided the color wasn't for me.  But I think I dig it. It's a very fall color (even though Bangkok has no "fall" to speak of...).

I think my neckline came out a little bit better on this one. Rather than use the bias strip pattern piece that came with the pattern, I busted out my long quilting ruler and rotary cutter to cut out the 1 inch bias strip. Less shifting around = straighter bias strip = better neckline.

I remembered to take a photo of the back this time so you could see the yoke and cute little pleat:

And a side shot, so you can peep the hem and side slits:

Cute, comfy and 3 dollars? Don't mind if I do...