
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Caftans and Cocktails: Pattern Round-up

It's Caftans and Cocktails pattern round-up time! 

You all know how much I love a pattern round-up, and this is a pretty fabulous one...

So here's how we broke it down: Loni's got a round-up of indie pattern company caftan/kaftan patterns on her (Maybe) Blog; head over and check it out!

Here I've rounded up some of the Big 4 patterns and some patternless DIY caftan tutorials. Read on, friends!

Big 4 Caftan Patterns

The Big 4 have several caftan patterns, as well some caftan-esque dresses that fit the bill! There are also approximately a thousand vintage caftan patterns out there on Etsy, E-bay, etc., if you want to go for that '70s style!

Simplicity 8657 (goes up to size 26)

Butterick 6559 (up to size 26)

Butterick 6683 (up to size 26)

Kwik Sew 3868 (plus size)

DIY Caftan Tutorials

There are a ton of patternless caftan/kaftan tutorials out there on the internet! Here are a handful that looked promising!