
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Caftans and Cocktails!

I hope you’re all ready for a bit of frivolity… I know I am!

Loni, of Havin’ Sew Much Fun fame, and I are teaming up for a high-fun, low-pressure sewing and socializing event for the summer: Caftans and Cocktails. If anything can take your mind off the current craziness in the world it’s dressing up in a bright, oversize swooshy dress and pouring yourself a drink.

The “rules,” which are not really rules at all, are: every Saturday from June through August, using the hashtag #caftansandcocktails2020, post a photo of yourself on Instagram wearing a caftan and drinking a beverage of your choice.
The beverage can be a fun cocktail, mocktail or just a sparkling water, if that’s your jam. And we’re loosely defining caftan, too, literally: a floaty, flowy, fun easy fitting dress, ideally with minimal waist definition and hopefully with maximal drama. Think Mrs. Roper or Blanche Devereaux

We hope you’ll take the opportunity to invite a sewing friend or two to join you, whether virtually or in-person (if you can do so safely) for a #sewhappyhour, to sip your tasty beverage and admire one another’s caftans!

No prizes, no judging, no need to sew anything new (unless you want to; we’re happy to be your excuse!), no pressure. This is meant to be fun, a bit silly, and relaxing. Join if and when you can. Throughout the summer we’ll share our caftan photos, a couple caftan sewing projects and some cocktail recipes!

To get you feeling inspired, we’ve pulled together a whole bunch of caftan sewing patterns for you to peruse and consider sewing up if you’re in the market for a new caftan. We also suggest digging into some old Golden Girls and Three’s Company episodes for ideas! 

Convenient, coincidental bonus: Jacinta (former Sewcialists editor and glamorous Instagram superstar) is hosting a caftan sewalong on Instagram and Zoom on May 31 if you want to join her in sewing up your chosen caftan pattern!

Loni has rounded up indie pattern company caftan patterns on her (Maybe) Blog; tomorrow I’ll share a whole bunch of Big 4 caftan patterns as well as some patternless DIY caftan tutorials. Stay tuned!