
Thursday, June 6, 2013


The cute kiddo shorts keep coming... this time a little longer and a little more retro in style, kinda like old-school board shorts:

I was browsing the tutorials section over at MADE, saw this awesome tutorial for Retro Racer Shorts and remembered that I had printed out her free Kid Pants pattern several months ago, but hadn't yet taped it together...  30 seconds of taping and cutting well spent just for these shorts, and Dana's got about a thousand awesome variations on the Kid Pants pattern that I plan to try now that I have the pattern put together!!

I made the first pair of shorts a little bit girly with flowered fabric (same used for Zoe's overalls) and thin pink double-fold bias tape (vintage, from 1978, care of the Real Martha):

This awesome pair is actually up-cycled from a pair of Target pajama pants that I have had (and loved) for several years, but recently ripped in an unflattering way.  I was able to cut one pair of toddler shorts from one of the pajama pant legs, so I could potentially still cut another out of the second leg... score!  Add some more vintage bias tape and ta-da!: