
Friday, January 18, 2019

Sew Fancy Pants: Workroom Social Fabrics Ninni Culottes

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Sew Twists and Ties programming with this brief message... because it's time to Sew Fancy Pants!

I love it when two opportunities come together at the same time to present me with my next sewing project! Two birds, one stone. 

Workroom Social sent me a couple of yards of this stunning fabric from their latest collaboration with Kelli Ward of True Bias and Whitney Crutchfield of We Gather. Whitney's Castalia Fabrics line and Kelli's Bantam Fabrics line are specifically designed for garment sewing and are just stunning... 100% rayon with gorgeous drape:

The fabric I chose is Fish Scale Tile in Bright from the Castalia Fabrics line. I chose it for the vibrant, rich colors (red, maroon, aqua, olive, pink, navy!) and the beautiful watercolor-style design. It's sold out right now, but I believe Workroom Social is taking advance orders for a reprint!

I know it's the dead of winter here in Vermont, but I couldn't get the idea of swooshy, summery culottes out of my head. And yes, I am freezing in these photos.

Plus, the Sew Fancy Pants challenge, organized by Nicole, Loni, Jennifer and Katie, had me thinking pants, pants, pants, fancy pants. Culottes in Workroom Social fabrics? Definitely fancy pants.

I turned to my trusty Named Clothing Ninni Culottes pattern, which I've made twice before. I love the super wide leg and elastic waist for extreme comfort.

The Ninni Culottes I made in 2017 have been a solid wardrobe staple in the warm months. The comfort of a skirt, plus the anti-chafing properties of pants... win-win. Also, elastic waist. Ain't nothing better than that.

I love these Ninni culottes! The Workroom Social fabric is a delight to work with; not like that slippery, impossible to pin cheap rayon, but the thick, high-quality stuff. The colors are definitely brightening up these winter days for me... 

I paired my Ninni culottes here with my Made by Rae Jade t-shirt, but I think they'll look great with my cropped Closet Case Patterns Kalle shirt, a Seamwork Adria (maybe not the one I've already made, but a future Adria), or maybe even a Sew Twists and Ties pattern like a summery, sleeveless version of the Megan Nielsen Jarrah?

Thanks for the inspiration, Sew Fancy Pants and Workroom Social!