Friday, April 4, 2014

Polka Dot Suzy Pants

After seeing so many cute and comfy looking versions of Tessuti's Suzy pants online (in particular, the pairs at True Bias, Boo Dogg and Me, and SallieOh... lovely!), I decided to whip up a pair myself.

Now, did I have an inkling that these might not be the most flattering pants on me?  Yes.  Did that stop me from making them?  No.  Was I right?  Yes.  Do I care?  No.  These things are so comfy that it doesn't really matter that they look like pajama pants on me.  Tim, on the other hand, had this thought that he said out loud: "Those are for around the house.... right?"  Ha.

I do kinda wish that I had done the flat front waistband alteration that Kelli and then Sallie did... I may go back and change that eventually, which might help the look a little bit and prevent the rolling elastic thing I've got going on.

I made them with some green polka dot rayon challis that Martha provided from her stash (thanks, Martha! also: what's with me and polka dots these days?).  I skipped the pockets, per the tutorial on Tessuti's website (let me explain... no, there is too much... let me sum up: don't add pockets, sew straight up side seams), but otherwise made them according to the instructions.

Everyone wants a photo of their butt in the interwebs, yes?
 Please note my attempt at the casual "partial tuck" for my t-shirt.  I am not sure I achieved the correct look... it looks so cute when I see it in magazines and such, but when I try it, memories of soccer practice in 4th grade flash through my mind: an oversized t-shirt tucked only in the front, just so, into a pair of multi-colored fluorescent Umbro shortsAnyone? Anyone?