What a month! My second time running the #SewTwistsandTies challenge, and I found myself just as inspired by the community projects as the first time around.
I wish I could highlight every single project here that was shared on Instagram, but did plenty of that on the 'gram throughout the month, so I'll let the hashtag speak for itself. Head over, scroll through, bask in the inspiration.
In today's post I'm going to sum up my experience with the challenge this year, but also give you an update on some of my projects from last year to see how they fared throughout the year. On Instagram, there have been several calls to revisit past projects, pushing past that initial "I love it!" phase to see how it really works out in the long run- check out @erinalwayssews for #HowdThatWork , @sewstainability for #OneYearSewn, and @cocowawacrafts for #sewreworn. I like that spirit of transparency, so here we go!
2019 Sew Twists and Ties Revisited
I like this Jarrah Sweater, although I found it a bit saggy in the sleeves. I wore it a couple times but the sleeves bugged me. It had a mid-year boost during #AlteritAugust: I hacked the cuffs off and re-hemmed the sleeves, which helped it feel better for me. Sadly though, since then, I somehow got a grease stain front and center on my Jarrah. So it's had less wear than I hoped.
You saw this Ruska Dress in my Top 5 of 2019 fails: I really wanted to love this dress, which I made for Sew Twists and Ties last year, but I haaaaated the fit (the pulling, the clinging, oh my!) and felt terrible in it. I never wore it. Ug.
This sweater knit Nottingham Top: I wore it like crazy for the first few months after making it. Then it was summer and I wore it less. Then in the fall I pulled it out again and somehow it was all stretched out and enormous? And staticky, too. A hot dryer did nothing to shrink it back into shape. It's not really wearable, and that may be user error on my part. But I made another Nottingham that fixed the minor fit issues I had with it, so there's that!
This Meridian Dress I like... I wear it pretty regularly, mostly with the twist front. Quibbles I have with it: there's a bit of extra fabric in the upper bust, I wish the ties reached around to tie in the front because having the knot/tie in the back bothers me when I'm sitting at my desk at work, and the sleeves are a little big at the wrist. But it gets a lot of wear so I'm happy!
I really like this one! I wear it pretty regularly, although usually with a cardigan. My fabric is probably a little stiff for the pattern, but the resulting top still works for me and my wardrobe.
This is another fabric choice issue that makes it not quite perfect. It's tight in some spots and a bit short, but I still love that twist, so I wear it anyway, often with my bright orange Estelle Cardigan. It looks pretty spiffy, methinks.
Elmira Sweater, Simplicity 8655
These two projects, my Day and Night Dress projects... I think the jury is still out on these. I don't love either or them, but I don't hate them. I think I don't know what to wear them with! I need to play around with pairings more.
These two projects, my Day and Night Dress projects... I think the jury is still out on these. I don't love either or them, but I don't hate them. I think I don't know what to wear them with! I need to play around with pairings more.
This project you heard about in my Top 5 of 2019 post, because it very much didn't make my Top 5. It was a bit of an experiment, style-wise. In the end, the color, the style... just no. Not for me. I never wore it.
My 2020 Sew Twists and Ties Projects
I had some winners this year!
A couple of good ones! Butterick 6621 was a slight challenge to sew and fit, but in the end I think it's pretty cute. I'll have to wait until warmer weather to really put it to the test.
I love the changes I made from my first Nottingham Top (see above) to this one. Fit: nailed!
I've only worn each of these once since making them, but they both feel pretty good!
The Flor cardigan is super comfy and looks better styled with a pencil skirt than the way I styled it for my photos.
The Rachel top is super comfy and I got lots of compliments on it at work!
Other Sew Twists and Ties Fun
The Sew Twists and Ties pattern round-up was pretty good, methinks, as was the official Sew Twists and Ties Pinterest Board.
The Sew Twists and Ties tutorials and sewalongs post was full of information!
So many giveaways on Instagram! Thanks to all of the generous pattern companies that provided patterns for the giveaway, and congratulations to all the winners. I can't wait to see what folks make!
Cashmerette giveaway winners: @christin_kaack and @dizyben
Fehr Trade giveaway winner: @barbaraborkowski

Itch to Stitch giveaway winner: @craftsy_moments

Megan Nielsen giveaway winner: @boxcarsewing and @sewingtrematode
Designer Stitch giveaway winners: @sewmelwyk, @jreinert5 and @tantmonokrom
Style Arc giveaway winners: @jeanienewman, @shelagh_healey and @theyellowsewist

Seamwork giveaway winners: @craftedbyangela, @intenselydistracted, @nicholeous, @jennygreenjones and @ejisherwood
Thanks to all for such a fabulous month! I know it's a little bit anti-climactic to end with no massive giveaway or announcement, but... I hope you enjoyed it anyway!!
Cashmerette giveaway winners: @christin_kaack and @dizyben
Itch to Stitch giveaway winner: @craftsy_moments

Style Arc giveaway winners: @jeanienewman, @shelagh_healey and @theyellowsewist

Seamwork giveaway winners: @craftedbyangela, @intenselydistracted, @nicholeous, @jennygreenjones and @ejisherwood